
SNAPSHOT: The Asbury Revival

"On a bitterly cold day in Febreuary, 1970, Asbury College students were divinely drawn into a demonstration that was to continue for 185 hours without interruption and lead untold thousands into a new relationship with God. It was to spill over into Asbury Seminary, into the town of Wilmore, Kentucky, and onto college campuses, into churches and homes from east to west, north to south, and find echo in receptive hearts around the world.

It started with a regular Tuesday chapel service at a college at which the speaker, instead of delivering his prepared sermon, felt led to ask the students to participate in a testimony meeting. The testimonies were fervent and soul-searching. The bell rang, but no one left. Classes were suspended for the day as the spontaneous manifestation continued. Singing, praying, witnessing, unspeakable joy, tears of repentance, forgiveness, love, release and freedom filled the intervening hours as night came and went- and still the students stayed, joined now by townspeople, families and friends..." -Robert E. Coleman in "One Divine Moment: The Asbury Revival"

What a sweet and concentrated presence of the Holy Spirit and God's presence that moved young people to action. What might God be up to on our universities today?

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